Robotic workshop for students from SPŠ Dubnica nad Váhom

Project BIN SGS03_2022_002 is focused on robotics and automation, so we invited students from SPŠ Dubnica nad Váhom to a robotics training focused on programming the robot MCU Arduino Mega2560, which was produced by 3D printing. This training helped the students to gain new knowledges in the field of robot programming and also served as a preparation for going on a research and teaching trip to Norway in the autumn months.

The training was organized under the guidance of the research staff Ing. Vladimír Stenchlák, PhD., doc. Ing. Miroslav Císar, PhD. and Ing. Tomáš Dodok, PhD. from the Department of Automation and Production Systems - University of Žilina.

Pridané 1.6.2023